
Shibu Nair of GAIA Asia Pacific and Michael Templonuevo of Cavite Greens, bring in-depth discussions and share their experiences in organics management through biogas at home.

Dr. Romy Quijano of University of the Philippines – Philippine General Hospital (UP-PGH)/Adviser, Pesticide Action Network and Justine Maillot of Consumption & Production Campaigner, Zero Waste Europe/Policy Coordinator, Rethink Plastic Alliance discuss the Unwrapped Project to GAIA and Break Free From Plastic members to help them in their campaign against single-use plastics.

En este webinar revisamos los sistemas de responsabilidad extendida del productor (REP), y ofrecemos orientaciones y propuestas específicas para América Latina.

Evidence of the plastic pollution crisis reaffirms that we cannot recycle our way out of this mess. Preventing waste in the first place, plays a central role in the transition from a throw-away society to a zero waste one. In this webinar we will share different tools to promote, and enable waste prevention at source, through policies, business models, and community organizing.

In this webinar we share how Tacloban City and Ljubljana are becoming leaders in Zero Waste implementation. With clear goals, and firm action, these two cities show us how Zero Waste can be implemented in very diverse contexts.

This webinar explores best practices and different experiences of community composting in the U.S.

A medida que la pandemia se agudiza en varios países de la región, se hace más evidente que los peligros que este virus representa no impactan a todas/os por igual. Los recicladores y recicladoras de base trabajan en la primera línea con los residuos que se generan en nuestras comunidades. Son trabajadores esenciales a quienes podemos acompañar y apoyar en estos difíciles momentos.

Con el objetivo de entender el panorama regional y las respuestas de los gobiernos frente a la contaminación por plásticos, el mapa reúne los instrumentos políticos dirigidos exclusivamente para plásticos, implementados a nivel nacional en la región de América Latina y El Caribe.

Amid overwhelming plastic pollution and an exponential rise in plastic production, the fossil fuel industry has touted chemical or “advanced” recycling as a solution to the plastic crisis. However, through extensive research GAIA has uncovered that the true nature of “chemical recycling” falls far short of the industry hype. In fact, our findings show that chemical recycling is polluting, energy intensive, and has a track record of technical failures.