GAIA Plastics Treaty Policy Update

INC-4 Day 3, April 25, 2024

GAIA Priorities Remain on the Table in Contact Groups

Member States remained in contact groups for the entirety of the day, and discussions were wide-ranging. GAIA’s key priorities have remained in play: reduction of primary plastic polymers, eradication of toxic chemicals in products, scaling up reuse systems, and enshrining a just transition. 

Financial Mechanism: Who Foots the Bill? 

The question of financing is make-or-break for this treaty.  Many Global South countries are demanding strong financing measures that hold high-producing countries accountable for the legacy of their pollution by funding the most impacted countries, so that they have the capacity to implement the treaty. 

These contributions would form a dedicated fund that could go towards finance, technology transfer and development, capacity building, and technical assistance. Chile, the Cook Islands, Ecuador, the Federated States of Micronesia, Rwanda, Senegal and Uganda have taken a leading role in putting forth an ambitious proposal for a financial mechanism that is fit for purpose. 

The Costs of Plastic Pollution and the Opportunities of a Post-Plastic Economy

A common industry-fueled narrative is that plastic is economically beneficial particularly for developing countries. In a new GAIA brief we pose the question– who does plastic production really benefit? Half of the world’s single-use plastic has been made by just 20 big companies.

While these companies are profiting, municipalities around the world– particularly in the Global South– are paying the price throughout every stage of the plastic life cycle.  The costs of plastic pollution are 10 times higher in low-income countries than wealthier countries, despite consuming three times less plastic per capita compared to high-income countries. However, most countries would benefit from phasing out plastics, in terms of cost savings, job creation and economic growth in the reuse sector.

Read more.


      Claire Arkin, Global Communications Lead | +1 973 444 4869


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