Choose Reuse: A Pathway for a Just Zero Waste Future

Zero Waste Is Possible. Zero Waste Is Now!

January 3, 2024 –  As communities worldwide grapple with the escalating challenges of waste management and environmental degradation, International Zero Waste Month (IZWM) 2024 takes center stage, offering practical solutions to the escalating crisis.  Under the theme “#ChooseReuse: A Pathway for a Just Zero Waste Future”, this year’s IZWM emphasizes the pivotal role of reuse in forwarding social and environmental equity.

In contrast to single-use plastics (SUPs), reuse is a system that intentionally designs products and packaging for multiple lifecycles. At its core, reuse offers economic benefits and significantly reduces environmental impact. 

The urgency to shift towards reuse becomes even more apparent when considering that around a third of plastic packaging leaks into the environment. With reuse systems, there is a potential to cut plastic pollution by 30 percent by 2040.

IZWM also confronts false solutions to the crisis, such as waste-to-energy (WtE) incineration and plastic credits, which are deemed environmental and health hazards, lacking scalability and failing to address the root cause of plastic pollution.

In response, Zero Waste emerges as a science-based solution, advocating for a departure from harmful waste management technologies and adopting strategies such as reuse, repair, proper waste segregation, and composting.

Zero Waste not only addresses environmental concerns but also creates more livelihood opportunities. A GAIA report reveals that Zero Waste activities generate more green jobs compared to traditional waste management, offering higher wages and more permanent positions.

Moreover, Zero Waste champions principles that ensure a fair shift towards practices that address social disparities in waste management, particularly those affecting vulnerable communities. The campaign aims to instill a sense of global responsibility, urging businesses to abandon harmful practices and policymakers to put waste pickers and workers at the center of the discussions on matters that influence their livelihoods and well-being.

Recognizing the importance of waste pickers and their role in environmental protection, the IZWM highlights the need to provide them with the tools to advocate for their communities. This just transition, characterized by transparency, inclusivity, and equity, is emphasized to ensure that no one is excluded, benefiting both society and the environment.  

“Waste pickers are at the forefront of waste management.  We need to recognize their contributions and make sure they are part of the conversations,” says GAIA Asia Pacific Regional Director, Froilan Grate. “Waste pickers and other informal workers play a crucial role in saving resources and reducing waste. When we talk about a ‘just transition,’ we stress the importance of waste pickers in policy discussions, we recognize their expertise as critical contributors to resource conservation and waste reduction, and we have to ensure that no one is left behind.”

To illustrate Zero Waste as a viable solution, IZWM showcases numerous grassroots groups, national and regional alliances, as well as cities worldwide that have successfully implemented Zero Waste systems, rejected WtE incinerators, and combated plastic pollution.

Throughout the month-long event, a diverse array of activities will unfold, including workshops, Reuse Tours, film screenings, and public discussions. The schedule for the entire month is divided into weekly themes:

  • WEEK 1: Launch (Jan 1-5)
  • WEEK 2: BARRIERS TO ZERO WASTE (Jan 6-12): #RefuseSingleUse
  • WEEK 3: SOLUTIONS WEEK (Jan 13-19): #ChooseReuse Week 
  • WEEK 4: FALSE SOLUTIONS WEEK (Jan 20-26): #NoBurn, #NoTrashTalk #LessPlasticMoreLife
  • WEEK 5: HUMANS OF ZERO WASTE (Jan 27-31): #JustTransition

As we navigate the month’s diverse array of activities, let us embrace the principles of Zero Waste and work together towards a sustainable future. By rejecting false solutions and championing inclusive, science-based approaches, we can build a world where waste is minimized, livelihoods are enhanced, and our shared environment thrives. Zero Waste is not just a concept; it is possible and it is now.

For a full list of events, check out our microsite:


The International Zero Waste Month

Zero Waste Month celebrations originated in the Philippines in 2012 when youth leaders issued a Zero Waste Youth Manifesto calling for, among other things, the celebration of a Zero Waste Month. This was made official when Presidential Proclamation No. 760 was issued, declaring January as Zero Waste Month in the Philippines. It was then promoted widely by NGOs and communities that had already adopted this approach to manage their waste. In 2023, GAIA celebrated the 1st International Zero Waste Month with over 200 activities in Asia Pacific and other parts of the globe.