Unwrapping Plastic Food Packaging

Dr. Romy Quijano of University of the Philippines – Philippine General Hospital (UP-PGH)/Adviser, Pesticide Action Network and Justine Maillot of Consumption & Production Campaigner, Zero Waste Europe/Policy Coordinator, Rethink Plastic Alliance discuss the Unwrapped Project to GAIA and Break Free From Plastic members to help them in their campaign against single-use plastics.

A report by Changing Markets, GAIA, and the Ecology Center finds toxics substances in every major US carpet tested. These toxic carpets are not only harming human health, they’re getting in the way of a circular economy.

The atmospheric mercury (Hg) emissions from waste have long been inadequately understood and seriously underestimated. This report scrutinizes the largest contributor to mercury in the waste stream – mercury-added products – and greatly improves our global understanding of this source of emissions.

The incinerator industry often promotes incinerators as having “zero emissions” or as being “safe for community health”. The truth, however, is that all incinerators contaminate people and the environment with toxic and cancer-causing emissions.

Basándose en la evaluación técnica El Reciclaje Químico: Estado, Sostenibilidad e Impactos Ambientales, esta infografía revela varias tecnologías conocidas como “reciclaje químico”, y aborda la toxicidad, los impactos climáticos, la capacidad técnica, la viabilidad financiera y la circularidad de los procesos.